In Person Yoga Classes

Gentle Yoga in Dorking

Yoga for All Abilities

In partnership with Mary Frances Trust

Tuesdays 11:30 to 12:30 (term time only)

Enjoy a gentle and mindful flow of yoga postures designed to build strength, balance, flexibility and calm for both body and mind. Give yourself the gift of being present with yourself, connecting within and finding a sense of harmony for your whole being.

This class warmly welcomes all levels of experience, with options and modifications to suit every body.  

Registration for this class is through Mary Frances Trust.

Yoga at Taylor Place


Pregnancy Yoga

Now taking bookings for 5 week course starting on Friday, 9th May

Fridays 18:30 to 19:30

Book now!

Join this 5 week Pregnancy Yoga Course where you can take some time out just for you to truly connect with your growing baby. This course is tailored specifically to the blossoming prenatal form and caters to all the changes the body goes through within pregnancy. Each week of this course will explore a different focus to relieve target areas, with modifications and adjustments provided throughout as necessary.

Pregnancy yoga builds strength and stamina gently to prepare you for your birthing day, relieves tension in the ever-changing body and eases the mind in order to bring balance and harmony within.

This course will also help to build your connections with other mums-to-be, forming friendships both on and off the mat. No need for any yoga experience prior to joining this course!

Each class incorporates:

  • Helpful breathing techniques for pregnancy and labour to bring a sense of centered calm, and to relieve anxiety and stress

  • Yoga sequences designed specifically for the pregnant body to ease common pregnancy related aches and pains, build strength gently, and to create a sense of space for both you and baby

  • Useful yoga postures for labour and for encouraging baby into the optimum birthing position

  • Pelvic floor work and learning how to both tone and relax them

  • A guided relaxation to fully relax both you and baby to help you feel recharged after each class.

Suitable for mums-to-be after their 12 week scan.

Course fee: £75 for 5 week course

Course includes:

Pregnancy Yoga classes

Zoom for when you can’t make a class in person

WhatsApp group to make friends and arrange meet ups

One Pre-Recorded Pregnancy Yoga Video to practise at home anytime

One Guest Expert Q & A with complimentary tea and treats after class

Book Now

Yoga at Taylor Place

Post-Natal Yoga Classes with Saara Vance Yoga in Dorking

Post-Natal Yoga

Wednesdays 10:00 to 10:45

Next 4 week course starts on 30th April

Book now! 

Bring your beautiful bundle to this class designed for new mothers and their babies. Honouring the incredible transformation the female form has undergone through pregnancy, this class encourages new mothers to start to reconnect with the body and gently rebuild strength and flexibility for mind, body and spirit.

Enjoy gentle yet strengthening yoga for you, release stress and anxiety, and spend quality time with your little one through playful baby yoga. Baby yoga is a great way to support baby’s natural development, ease baby’s colic and help them sleep better. It’s also a great way to make new connections with other mums and babies in your area!

This class combines a fun and relaxed environment, helping you to feel at ease with whatever sort of day you’re having. It’s ok for baby to fuss, cry or sleep all the way through! Breast-feeding is always welcome and supported and you can of course change/feed/comfort your baby whenever you need to.

Suitable for mums with babies aged 6 weeks to actively crawling and 10 weeks in the case of an abdominal birth or assisted birth.

Course Fee: £56 for 4 weeks

Course Fee Includes:

Mum & Baby Yoga classes

Tea and treats after class

WhatsApp Group to make friends and arrange meetups

Zoom for when you can’t make a class in person

One pre-recorded Mum & Baby Yoga class so you can practise anytime

One pre-recorded Baby Yoga class so you can practise anytime

Book now!

Yoga at Taylor Place

Mum & Baby, Post-Natal, Baby Reflexology and Pregnancy Yoga by Saara Vance Yoga in Dorking

Mum & Baby Bliss

Wednesdays 10 - 11am

6 week Combined Mum & Baby Yoga and Reflexology Course starting on 26th February

Book now!

Come and enjoy this unique combined Mum & Baby Yoga and Reflexology Course!

This 6 week course is thoughtfully designed for new mums and their babies to provide a nurturing space to bond, create ease and strength in the body through post-natal yoga, and to learn a fuss free, natural and soothing way to calm baby (and mum!) with Baby Reflex. At the end of each class, enjoy chatting to other mums going through similar things as you, sharing stories and experiences along the way. To make it all the more delightful, enjoy a cup of something warm and a treat brought to you whilst connecting and building friendships.

Each class starts with a gentle and rejuvenating post-natal yoga class for mum, blending in playful baby yoga movements for baby. Post-natal yoga is tailored specifically for new mums to gently rebuild strength in weaker areas and ease tighter areas, and baby yoga is a wonderful way to enhance bonding with baby, support baby’s natural development, ease baby’s colic and aid sleep. The class flows into a Baby Reflex routine led by Reflexology by Catherine M, weaving in a variety of baby reflexology techniques to empower mums to naturally ease and soothe common concerns in a calm and loving manner. Classes will come to a gentle close with calming reflexology points and cleansing breaths specifically designed to rejuvenate mum.

By the end of the 6 weeks, come away with a tailored reflexology routine that combines various techniques to soothe your baby using Baby Reflex and enjoy experiencing the benefits of the course at home too. Routines will cover:

  • Sleeping and comforting

  • Feeding and digesting

  • Boosting the immune system

  • Teething, sinuses, colic, constipation and reflux

This class combines a fun and relaxed environment, helping you to feel at ease with whatever sort of day you’re having. It’s ok for baby to fuss, cry or sleep all the way through! Breast-feeding is always welcome and supported and you can of course change/feed/comfort your baby whenever you need to.

Suitable for mums with babies aged 6 weeks to actively crawling and 10 weeks in the case of an abdominal birth or assisted birth.

For Baby Reflex, mums will only need access to baby’s feet - no oils required! Baby Reflex can be done anywhere and at any time of day, even whilst baby is asleep.

No yoga or reflexology experience necessary to book.

Course fee: £98 

Course Fee Includes:

Combined Mum & Baby Yoga and Reflexology classes 

Tea and treats after class

WhatsApp Group to make friends and arrange meetups

Zoom for when you can’t make a class in person

Pre-recorded videos of Reflexology routines to recap and practise anytime

One pre-recorded Mum & Baby Yoga class so you can practise anytime

Book Now

Yoga at Taylor Place


Gentle Yoga

Wednesdays 12:15 to 13:15

Next 5 week course starts on 23rd April

Book now!

Ease in to a more gentle pace, mindfully moving through flowing postures with the breath and exploring what each pose has to offer. Find a sense of strength, balance, flexibility and calm and, in turn, harmony within your whole being.

This class warmly welcomes all levels of experience, with options and modifications to suit every body. Props including chairs, bolsters, bricks and blocks are available for use. Your practise is enhanced by gorgeous DoTerra essential oils and healing sound.

Course fee: £75

Course fee includes:

Gentle Yoga Classes

Access to Live Zoom for when you can’t make a class in person

One pre-recorded Gentle Yoga video so that you can practise anytime

Book Now

Yoga at Taylor Place

Yoga classes with Saara Vance in Newdigate

Yoga Flow

Thursdays 19:30 to 20:45

Come and join me for a Vinyasa inspired flowing yoga class at Newdigate Village Hall. This class warmly welcomes all levels of experience, with options and modifications to suit every body. Your practise is enhanced by gorgeous DoTerra essential oils and healing sound. 

Drop in and 5 or 10 Class Passes available

Newdigate Village Hall


Hotpod Flow

Saturdays 08:00 to 09:00 and 09:30 to 10:30

Hotpod Yoga’s signature offering. Classes are heated to 37°C and follow a vinyasa-based sequence, suitable for all levels. 

Booking through Hotpod Yoga Horsham App or Website

Hotpod Yoga Horsham